Starting January 3, 2030 6 days


This generic assessor unit standard is for those who assess people for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria using pre-designed assessment instruments. The outcomes and criteria may be defined in a range of documents including but not limited to unit standards, exit level outcomes, assessment standards, curriculum statements and qualifications.

Those who achieve this unit standard will be able to conduct assessments within their fields of expertise. This unit standard will contribute towards the achievement of a variety of qualifications, particularly within the fields of Education Training and Development Practices and Human Resource Development.

People credited with this unit standard are able to carry out assessments in a fair, valid, reliable and practicable manner that is free of all bias and discrimination, paying particular attention to the three groups targeted for redress: race, gender and disability.

In particular, people credited with this unit standard will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of outcomes-based assessment;
  • Prepare for assessments;
  • Conduct assessments;
  • Provide feedback on assessments; and
  • Review assessments.


  • Part-time
  • Full time


6 days


Learner is required to have a minimum Grade 12. For first aid the learner must have a first responder qualification. Must able to speak and write in English.


  • Outcomes-based education, training and development
  • Principles of assessment – directly assessed through assessment criterion ‘Key principles of assessment are described and illustrated in practical situations. The descriptions highlight the importance of applying the principles in terms of the possible effect on the assessment process and results.’, and indirectly assessed via a requirement to apply the principles throughout the standard.
  • Principles and practices of RPL – directly assessed through assessment criteria ‘RPL is explained in terms of its purpose, processes and related benefits and challenges. Explanations highlight the potential impact of RPL on individuals, learning organisations and the workplace.’, ‘Inputs are sought from candidates regarding special needs and possible sources of evidence that could contribute to valid assessment, including RPL opportunities. Modifications made to the assessment approach on the basis of the inputs do not affect the validity of the assessment.’ and specific outcome ‘Conduct assessments.’, as well as through application in the rest of the standard.
  • Methods of assessment – directly assessed through assessment criterion ‘A variety of assessment methods are described and compared in terms of how they could be used when conducting assessments in different situations.’, and indirectly assessed through application of the methods
  • Potential barriers to assessment – assessed when dealing with special needs.
  • The principles and mechanisms of the NQF – this knowledge underpins the standard
  • Assessment policies and ETQA requirements


All learning material included in tuition fee.


Enquire with Teacher Bubbles


On successful completion of course, the learner will receive a certificate


The information provided may vary or change at the discretion of Teacher Bubbles. Teacher bubbles will formally notify learners of any changes or variations.
